Create powerful prayer walls and calendars.

WordPress Plugin or Web App.

Latest Update: v2.3.3 (Dec '24) - Enhanced spam prevention and protection from common prayer wall bots! Learn more...

NEW! Have Everyone Pray Together

New to Version 2.0, Prayer Engine's WordPress plugin can now create unlimited Prayer Focus calendars to help your people pray together.

Whether it's a "24 Hours of Prayer" initiative or praying for an event, it only takes a few clicks to open prayer signups. You can choose the hours and days available too!

No Nerds Required

The Prayer Engine plugin installs in seconds. Simply activate the plugin, enter the shortcode on any Page or Post, and pick your colors.

Prayer Engine does all of the heavy lifting for you... If you use WordPress, there's no need to know HTML, CSS or any other geeky acronyms!

A Social Darling

The way we communicate has changed... shouldn't your prayer chain change with it?

Prayer Engine makes it easier than ever to share the latest prayer requests on the most popular social networks. It only takes a few minutes to make Facebook and Twitter valuable components of your prayer strategy.

Moderate Once, Update Everywhere

Work smarter, not harder.

Prayer Engine is built for simplicity. One click updates your Prayer Wall, RSS Feed, and the other sharing options you've set up. No grunt work required.

A Master of Disguise

You worked hard to make your site look great; Prayer Engine is built to match.

A quick visit to its robust settings page allows you to change styles, colors and icons in a matter of seconds... No coding required!

Stay Connected on the Go

Life happens away from your computer. Prayer Engine keeps your ministry going by enabling your people to view and share prayer requests from the convenience of their smart phones.

Prayer Engine is designed from the ground up to be fully responsive and look great on every device.

Share With Confidence

When a new prayer request is added, Prayer Engine automatically sends the user an email containing the details of their request and a unique removal link.

Whether a prayer has been answered or too much was shared, a simple click permanently removes the request from the the Prayer Engine's database.

Reporting for Duty

In addition to its powerful web tools, Prayer Engine also includes a custom report library that generates time based lists of recent requests and Prayer Focus signups.

It takes only seconds to print or download the reports you need. Keeping your staff and small groups informed has never been easier.

Real Feedback = Real Ministry

When a request is posted to your Prayer Wall, visitors are encouraged to leave feedback in the form of the "I Prayed for This" button. When clicked, the prayer request is updated to reflect their support, and the original submitter receives an instant email notification that someone has prayed for them.

Share the Responsibility

Maintaining a healthy prayer ministry can be too much work for one person. Prayer Engine provides access to an unlimited group of administrators, enabling your staff to delegate with peace of mind.

When a new prayer request is received, administrators are instantly notified by email to moderate and respond to the need.

Safe and Sound

Don't worry about sensitive information falling into the wrong hands. Prayer Engine integrates into the WordPress portal and settings can only be accessed by your prayer team leaders.

In addition, all prayer requests must be moderated before they're shared online, keeping sensitive and inappropriate information out of sight.

Web App Also Available

Don't use WordPress? No problem! Prayer Engine also includes code for a standalone web app for prayer requests that will work on any web server that uses PHP and MySQL.

It takes about five minutes for your web developer to install, so you'll be up and running before you finish your coffee.

Free Updates for Life

Your one-time purchase of a Prayer Engine license entitles you to free plugin updates for life!

No hidden fees; no monthly charges. We like to keep things simple.

The Prayer Engine Prayer Wall
The Prayer Engine Report Library
The Prayer Engine Report Library
Prayer Engine Prayer Focus Calendar
Prayer Engine Prayer Focus Settings
Prayer Engine Prayer Focus Signups
The Prayer Engine Settings Screen
Editing a Prayer